On Saturday evening KVFD held it's first banquet since the consolidation 10 years ago.
Members and guests gathered at Schneider Parish Center in West Sadsbury Township for a informal event.
Chief Gathercole on behalf of the KVFD Board of Directors and Officers thanked everyone and stated the following:
Thank you everyone for coming out for the KVFD Banquet. However, ten years ago we made the right decision as we look to the future and what has become of the Fire and EMS industry. We are the change that is taking place in the changing culture of the fire service.
First, thank you to the Banquet Committee and especially Kevin Holmes (Chairman of the committee) who went above and beyond to obtain raffles and to make this evening a great evening. Thank you again to the Banquet Committee.
I am still a firm believer in municipalities working together to maximize resources, and to minimize duplication of services. Checking your egos at the door is what many of our members have done since the conception of KVFD. Continue to stretch right past the haters. Thank you for understanding of transparency, the change and helping us lead the way in the service.
KVFD cannot say thank you enough to our loyal municipal partners of Parkesburg, West Sadsbury and Highland Township. Thank you to Sadsbury Township for allowing us to provide 100 % EMS. Thank you to our mutual aid partners. This current time in the fire and EMS service we cannot say we do it alone and we thank our mutual-aid partners for all their support and manpower that they provide to us when in need.
Thank you to our loyal supporters and most importantly our largest supporter which is our significant others who allow us to volunteer or be away from our families and allow our time to help others. The time spent away from home is never replenished and the costs of what we do, are not seen from time to time. Every volunteer organization across the Country needs people. In order to survive we need to continue to be "people helping people".
Thank you to our loyal members and Staff. 365 days a year you put yourself before all others. The times of earning money sleeping in EMS are gone, the days of waiting for a call in the fire service is also gone. We are called upon daily, through 911, service calls and the Community.
The Chief and Line officers of the organization have all put in many hours and response numbers to effectively fill their roles. They do what they can and have vial roles in the organization. No one ever thought they signed up to be a life coach. However, you did sign-up to be a mentor and to teach a craft to those learning under you.
Thank you to the personnel who respond day in and day out representing KVFD. Training and dedication takes a lot out of a person. The average Firefighter course is 164 hours; the average EMS course is 400 hours. This equals more time than we can think about when we sign-up.
The Achievement of any organization is from the combined effort of each individual. Just remember you are KVFD’s most valuable resource. As the Chief of this organization, I tell others, I am blessed by those who can participate. Time seems to be slipping away and it seems we are needed more than ever. So from the Chief Officers and Board of Directors, we thank you. Please understand we know the amount of time that is lost when you are dedicating it to our organization and also what you are loosing with time away from your families.
In ten years we have accomplished great things in the Fire and EMS service and still have great desire to grow and expand. This all comes with funding and time. It also comes from supporting one another to continuing to do what we do best.
The following Municipalities were recognized:
Parkesburg Borough West Sadsbury Twp. Highland Township Sadsbury Township
Although everyone needs to be recognized and this evening represents that, I must thank who contribute great numbers statistically. Based on statistics and call responses the following deserve to be recognized for their commitment to the Keystone Valley Regional Fire District and KVFD. These Top Responders through the course of two years put up significant numbers of responses and community hours.
2023 Top Responders
Rich Klingler (Deputy Chief) Rich Daisley Gary Myers Joe Marks (Assistant Chief) Corey Garver Austin Tracey Kevin Holmes DJ Roberts
A service which has come out of Covid with a change in culture, under staffed and under rated. KVFD has seen the drastic change in EMS. Our organization with support from the District has changed and continues to adapt to the changing climate in EMS. KVFD has experienced up to 2,000 incidents. In the years past with all the agencies operating we never came close to that. KVFD has stayed committed to the goal of providing a service which is a service to our community that without would show negative results.
Our EMS Leadership has stepped up, all part-time and committed to leading a service which is in the constant decline within our Country and State. EMS is a service that has never been supported and now that it needs the support we are working against the change.
We owe the change to our EMS management and leadership who were recognized:
Joseph Miles George Degnan
Calli Camuti - EMS Provider of the year. Stepping up and helping new staff, working consistent hours and representing the best of KVFD.
EMS Services, Busiest aspect of KVFD. KVFD operates two staffed units, however, has three (3) ambulances. Busiest year so far in the history of KVFD and Emergency Medical Services
Fire Police Officers Recognized:
Robert "Radio" Johnson John Marsh This unit is one of the most used and under appreciated services that is provided by volunteers. People willing to stand in the middle of the road and put their life on the line to protect those who are saving lives and property. This division of our service has made a comeback and is recognized from all around for their time and commitment to the community events and our incidents on the highways.
Thank you again to all our personnel, your significant others, your families and all our stakeholders and shareholders of KVFD. I can leave you with this. “Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be”. Keep doing what we do and how we do it.
Without any of you this service would not be what it is today.The event was a thanks from the Keystone Valley Regional Fire District who oversee's and maintains the District in which we serve. Represented this past evening was Chairman Tom Scott of Highland, Josh Mellinger of Parkesburg, and Ed Haas of West Sadsbury Township.
The evening was filled with a great dinner and relaxation despite the adverse weather conditions. |